
Diocese in Dalmatia, suffragan of Zara

Catholic Encyclopedia. . 2006.

     Catholic_Encyclopedia Ragusa
    A bishopric in Dalmatia, suffragan of Zara. The episcopate of its first bishop Fabricanus was followed by a long series of bishops. For more than a thousand years Ragusa was an independent republic and consequently had archbishops. The first archbishop was Joannes II (d. 970). After the dissolution of the republic (1806) the see was vacant for a long time, until in 1830 Ragusa was once more the see of a bishop. At the present day the diocese has a Catholic population of 73,000, with 115 secular priests; religious orders of men, 93 members in 19 houses; religious orders of women, 51 members.
    DOLCI, De Ragusini episcopatus antiquitate. Accedit eiusdem ecclesiæ antistitum series chronologica (Ancona, 1761); FARLATI, Illyricum sacrum (Venice, 1751-1819); COLETI, tom. VI, 1-285; THEINER, Vetera monumenta historica, II (Rome, 1839).
    Transcribed by Richard Hemphill

The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume VIII. — New York: Robert Appleton Company. . 1910.

Catholic encyclopedia.

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  • Ragusa — puede referirse a dos ciudades: ● Ragusa (Sicilia). ● Dubrovnik, ciudad del litoral dálmata, que llegó a formar una república marinera, la histórica República de Ragusa, entre los siglos XVI y XIX. * * * Prov. del S de Italia, en el SE de Sicilia …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Ragusa [1] — Ragusa, 1) ehemals Republik, an das Adriatische Meer u. Dalmatien grenzend, hatte 36 QM., 60,000 Ew., mit aristokratischer Verfassung. Der Große Rath, aus allen Adeligen über 18 Jahr bestehend, hatte unumschränkte Gewalt, gab Gesetze etc., wählte …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Ragusa [2] — Ragusa, Herzog von R., s. Marmont …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Ragusa — Ragūsa, slaw. Dubrovnik, befestigte Bezirksstadt in Dalmatien, am Adriat. Meer und am Abhange des San Sergio, (1900) 13.194 E.; den Hafen bildet die Bucht von Gravosa; Seiden , Lederwaren, Likörfabrikation. 656 n. Chr. durch Flüchtlinge aus Alt R …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

  • Ragusa [2] — Ragūsa, Stadt auf Sizilien, aus R. superiore (1901: 31.922 E.) und R. inferiore (8550 E.) bestehend …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

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