Peter Fullo

Peter Fullo
Peter Fullo
Intruding Monophysite Patriarch of Antioch (d. 488)

Catholic Encyclopedia. . 2006.

Peter Fullo
    Peter Fullo
     Catholic_Encyclopedia Peter Fullo
    Intruding Monophysite Patriarch of Antioch; d. 488. He received the Greek surname Gnapheus (Latin, Fullo) from his trade of fuller of cloth, which he practised when a monk at the monastery of the Acoemeti in the Diocese of Chalcedon. Expelled from his monastery on account of his dissolute life and his heretical doctrines, he went to Constantinople where the future Emperor Zeno obtained for him the position of presbyter at the Church of St. Bassa in Chalcedon. Driven thence by the populace, he accompanied Zeno to Antioch, incited the people against their patriarch, Martyrius, and, upon the latter's resignation, usurped the see in 470. He gained the favour of the Monophysites by adding to the Trisagion the words ho staurotheis di' hemas (who wast crucified for us) in the monophysitic sense that the Father and the Holy Ghost were crucified with the Son. In 471 he was deposed by the Emperor, but he again usurped the see in 476 to be deposed a second time and banished in 478. The usurping Emperor Basilicus reinstated him in 485 and he held the see until his death. (See MONOPHYSITES AND MONOPHYSITISM.)
    VALESIUS (VALOIS), De Petro Antiocheno episcopo qui Fullo cognominatus est et de synodis adversus eum collectis, appendix to his ed. of EVAGRIUS, Hist. eccl. (Paris, 1673), reprinted in P.G., LXXXVI, 2885-95; TILLEMONT, Hist. des empereurs, VI, 404-7; THEODORUS LECTOR, Hist. eccl., I, xx-xxii; THEOPHANES, Chronographia, ad ann. 456, 467, 469, 482; LIBERATUS, Breviarium, xviii; xviii; LE QUIEN, Oriens christ., II (Paris, 1740), 724-5.
    Transcribed by Herman F. Holbrook Ut in omnibus glorificetur Deus per Iesum Christum.

The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume VIII. — New York: Robert Appleton Company. . 1910.

Catholic encyclopedia.

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