
A titular see of Galatia in Asia Minor, suffragan of Laodicea

Catholic Encyclopedia. . 2006.

     Catholic_Encyclopedia Ancyra
    The modern ANGORA, a titular see of Galatia in Asia Minor, suffragan of Laodicea. It was said to have been founded by Midas, was a chief place of the Gallic conquerors of Asia Minor (c. 277 B.C.), and in imperial times a centre of great commercial importance. It is also famous for the official record of the Acts of Augustus, known as the "Monumentum Ancyranum," an inscription cut in marble on the walls of an ancient temple, several times copied and edited since the sixteenth century. The ruins of Ancyra furnish to-day valuable bas-reliefs. inscriptions, and other architectural fragments. Its episcopal list is given in Gams, "Series episc. Eccl. cath."; also that of another Ancyra in Phrygia Pacatiana.
    SMITH, Dict. of Greek and Roman Geogr., I, 133; LE QUIEN, Oriens Christ. (1740), I, 455-474; BARKLEY, A Ride through Asia Minor and Armenia (London, 1891), 103.
    Transcribed by John Fobian In memory of Joseph Gimler

The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume VIII. — New York: Robert Appleton Company. . 1910.

Catholic encyclopedia.

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