Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ
The incarnate Son of God and the redeemer of the human race

Catholic Encyclopedia. . 2006.

Jesus Christ
    Jesus Christ
     Catholic_Encyclopedia Jesus Christ
    Origin of the Name of Jesus In this article, we shall consider the two words — "Jesus" and "Christ" — which compose the Sacred Name.
    The Holy Name of Jesus We give honour to the Name of Jesus, because it reminds us of all the blessings we receive through our Holy Redeemer.
    Early Historical Documents Concerning Jesus Christ In this article, we discuss the ancient historical documentspagan, Jewish, and Christianreferring to Christ's life and work.
    Chronology of the Life of Christ In this article, we shall endeavour to establish the absolute and relative chronology of our Lord's life.
    The Character of Jesus Christ Here we consider the character of Jesus as manifested first in His relation to men, then in His relation to God.
    The Mystery of the Incarnation The Incarnation is the mystery and dogma of the Word made Flesh.
    The Resurrection of Jesus Christ Resurrection is the rising again from the dead, the resumption of life. In this article, we shall treat of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, including its characteristics and importance.
    Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus Devotion to the Sacred Heart is but a special form of devotion to Jesus.
    Christology Christology is that part of theology which deals with Our Lord Jesus Christ. In its full extent it comprises the doctrines concerning both the person of Christ and His works; but in the present article we shall limit ourselves to a consideration of the person of Christ.

The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume VIII. — New York: Robert Appleton Company. . 1910.

Catholic encyclopedia.

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