- Hittites
- Hittites
• One of the many peoples of North-Western Asia, styled Hittim in the Hebrew Bible, Khuti or Kheta on the Egyptian monuments, and Hatti in the cuneiform documents
Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006.
Catholic encyclopedia.
Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006.
Catholic encyclopedia.
HITTITES — La découverte des Hittites est le résultat d’une longue enquête philologique et archéologique qui débute au temps du déchiffrement des hiéroglyphes égyptiens. Le nom d’un grand pays, en relation avec la cour égyptienne de la XVIIIe dynastie,… … Encyclopédie Universelle
HITTITES — HITTITES, an ancient people of Anatolia. The name Hittites is taken from the biblical Hebrew Ḥitti (gentilic), plural Ḥittim, which stems from the form Ḥatti found as a geographic term in cuneiform texts, the vowel change resulting from a Hebrew… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Hittites — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Hittite. Les Hittites sont un peuple ayant vécu dans l Anatolie au IIe millénaire av. J.‑C. Ils doivent leur nom à la région à partir de laquelle ils ont établi leur royaume principal, le Hatti,… … Wikipédia en Français
Hittites — For the people of the Hebrew Bible, see Biblical Hittites. The Hittites were a Bronze Age people of Anatolia. They established a kingdom centered at Hattusa in north central Anatolia c. the 18th century BC. The Hittite empire reached its… … Wikipedia
Hittites — Palestine and Syria appear to have been originally inhabited by three different tribes. 1) The Semites, living on the east of the isthmus of Suez. They were nomadic and pastoral tribes. 2) The Phoenicians, who were merchants and traders; … Easton's Bible Dictionary
Hittites — c.1740 1190 BC. In the second millennium BC, the Land of Hatti emerged first as a state and then as an empire, created by kings who ruled from a mountainous homeland in the north of Asia Minor (Anatolia). The name Hittite has been applied to… … Ancient Egypt
HITTITES — A people speaking an Indo European language who formed a powerful state in central Anatoliain the second millennium B.C. Having penetrated into Asia Minor by several routes since the late third millennium, they took the name of an… … Historical Dictionary of Mesopotamia
Hittites — An important ancient Near Eastern people who spoke an Indo European language and established a powerful kingdom called Hatti centered in Anatolia in the early second millennium b.c. By the late eighteenth century B.C., the Hittites had built a … Ancient Mesopotamia dictioary
Hittites — A major power in the 14th cent. BCE from a base in Asia Minor (modern Turkey), conquering north and central Syria and most of Lebanon, but they were eventually absorbed into the Assyrian and Babylonian empires. There are references to Hittites in … Dictionary of the Bible
Hittites — Hit·tite || hɪtaɪt n. member of an ancient people in northern Syria and Asia Minor during the second millenium BC; extinct language of this people adj. of or pertaining to the Hittites or their language (ancient people in northern Syria and… … English contemporary dictionary