- Government Authority
- Government Authority
• The moral power of command, supported by physical coercion, which the State exercises over its members
Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006.
Catholic encyclopedia.
Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006.
Catholic encyclopedia.
semi-government authority — /sɛmi ˌgʌvənmənt ɔˈθɒrəti/ (say semee .guvuhnmuhnt aw thoruhtee) noun a government instrumentality responsible to parliament through a minister …
Government agency — A government or state agency is a permanent or semi permanent organization in the machinery of government that is responsible for the oversight and administration of specific functions, such as an intelligence agency. There is a notable variety… … Wikipedia
Government procurement in the United States — is based on many of the same principles as commercial contracting, but is subject to special laws and regulation as described below. Persons entering into commercial contracts are pretty much free to do anything that they can agree on. Each… … Wikipedia
Government departments and agencies in Hong Kong — are controlled by the Hong Kong Government. The policies of the government are formulated decided by the bureaux led by secretaries and permanent secretaries are discussed in the Executive Council and implemented by the departments and agencies.… … Wikipedia
authority — au·thor·i·ty n pl ties 1: an official decision of a court used esp. as a precedent 2 a: a power to act esp. over others that derives from status, position, or office the authority of the president; also: jurisdiction b: the power to act … Law dictionary
government — gov·ern·ment / gə vər mənt, vərn / n 1: the act or process of governing; specif: authoritative direction or control 2: the office, authority, or function of governing 3: the continuous exercise of authority over and the performance of functions… … Law dictionary
Authority (disambiguation) — Authority may refer to:Types of authority* Authority in government generally refers to the ability to make laws or rules ** democratic authority ** monarchic authority ** republican authority * Authoritarianism describes a form of social control… … Wikipedia
Government — Gov ern*ment, n. [F. gouvernement. See {Govern}.] 1. The act of governing; the exercise of authority; the administration of laws; control; direction; regulation; as, civil, church, or family government. [1913 Webster] 2. The mode of governing;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Government Communications Security Bureau — Te Tari Whakamau Irirangi Logo of the Government Communications Security Bureau Agency overview … Wikipedia
Government Center (MBTA station) — GOVERNMENT CENTER GOVERNMENT CENTER Government Center headh … Wikipedia