- Alghero
- Alghero
• An Italian diocese comprising twenty-two communes in the province of Sassari, and four in that of Cagliari, Archdiocese of Sassari
- Alghero
Alghero† Catholic_Encyclopedia ► AlgheroAn Italian diocese comprising twenty-two communes in the province of Sassari, and four in that of Cagliari, Archdiocese of Sassari. The city was built by the Doria of Genoa in 1102. In 1106 John, Bishop of Alghero, assisted at the consecration of the Church of the Trinity in Sacargia. After a long period of decandence, the see was renewed and confirmed by Julius II in his Bull of 1503. Pietro Parens, a Genoese, became bishop; he was present at the Lateran Council in 1512, from the first to the seventh session. It contains 20 parishes, 71 secular priests, 54,300 inhabitants.CAPPELLETTI, Le chiese d'Italia (Venice, 1866), XIII, 141; GAMS, Series episcoporum ecclesiæ catholicæ (Ratisbon, 1873), 832; MATTHÆI, Sardinia Sacra (Rome, 1758), 171.ERNESTO BUONAIUTI Transcribed by an anonymous transcriber, in thanksgiving for his conversion to the Catholic faith.
Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume VIII. — New York: Robert Appleton Company. Nihil Obstat. 1910.
Catholic encyclopedia.