
A judge delegated by the pope to defend certain privileged classes of persons, as universities, religious orders, chapters, the poor from manifest or notorious injury or violence, without recourse to a judicial process

Catholic Encyclopedia. . 2006.

     Catholic_Encyclopedia Conservator
    (From Lat. conservare)
    A Conservator is a judge delegated by the pope to defend certain privileged classes of personsas universities, religious orders, chapters, the poorfrom manifest or notorious injury or violence, without recourse to a judicial process. Conservators were appointed as early as the thirteenth century. Innocent IV presupposes their existence in the decree (c. 15, de off. et pot. jud., del. I, 14, in VIº) from which we first learn their power. Owing to abuses and complaints the Council of Trent (Sess. XIV, c. v, de ref.) limited their jurisdiction, but new controversies, often recurring, caused Clement VIII, Gregory XV, and Innocent X to define their privileges more precisely. Troubles continuing to arise, especially concerning the conservators of religious orders, Clement XIII (23 April, 1762) decreed that in missionary countries such officials should no longer be chosen, but that all controversies should be referred to the Holy See. From that time forth conservators fell into practical desuetude. According to law, these officials were to be chosen from among the prelates or dignitaries of cathedral and collegiate churches; later from the synodal judges. When a conservator had been chosen by regulars he could not be removed for five years without cause. He had no jurisdiction in cases that required juridical examination. While he took cognizance of all complaints against regulars, he had no authority to receive those of the regulars against others unless they were notorious. In the latter case the conservator decided the question summarily. He could punish with ecclesiastical penalties even high church dignitaries who interfered with his duties. His power was limited, however, to the one diocese in which be had been elected, nor could the same conservator have power in several dioceses.
    ANDRÉ-WAGNER, Dict. de droit can. (3d ed., Paris, 1901), I; WERNZ. Jus Decretalium (Rome, 1899), II; BOUIX, De Jure Regular. (3d ed., Paris, 1883), II.
    Transcribed by Douglas J. Potter Dedicated to the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume VIII. — New York: Robert Appleton Company. . 1910.

Catholic encyclopedia.

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  • conservator — con·ser·va·tor /kən sər və tər, kän sər ˌvā / n 1: a person, official, or institution appointed by a court to take over and manage the estate of an incompetent compare committee, curator, guardian …   Law dictionary

  • Conservator — (female (rare) Conservatrix) may refer to: Conservator (law), a person appointed by a court or regulatory authority to supervise a person or entity s financial affairs Conservator (religion), a judge appointed by the Pope to protect the personae… …   Wikipedia

  • conservator — con‧ser‧va‧tor [kənˈsɜːvətə, ˈkɒnsəveɪtə ǁ ˈsɜːrvətər, ˈkɑːnsərveɪtər] noun [countable] LAW someone who is legally responsible for the property of a person who cannot take care of it themselves * * * conservator UK US /kənˈsɜːvətər/ noun [C] US… …   Financial and business terms

  • Conservator — Con ser*va tor (?; 277), n. [L.: cf. F. conservateur.] 1. One who preserves from injury or violation; a protector; a preserver. [1913 Webster] The great Creator and Conservator of the world. Derham. [1913 Webster] 2. (Law) (a) An officer who has… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • conservator — c.1400, from Anglo Fr. conservatour, from L. conservator keeper, preserver, defender, agent noun of conservare (see CONSERVE (Cf. conserve)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • conservator — [kən sʉr′və tôr΄, kən sʉr′vət ər; ] also [ kän′sər vāt΄ər] n. [ME conservatour < L conservator < pp. of conservare: see CONSERVE] 1. a protector, guardian, or custodian 2. a person whose work is the preservation, reconditioning, and… …   English World dictionary

  • Conservator — (lat.), 1) Erhalter; daher 2) Beiname Jupiters, vgl. Servator, Soter; 3) Person, welche über die Erhaltung u. Verwaltung eines Stifts u. dgl. zu wachen hat; 4) in Frankreich u. Italien Polizeiperson, welche über Aufrechthaltung von Statuten,… …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Conservator — Conservator, lat., Erhalter, in Naturaliensammlungen der Aufseher, der zugleich das Ausstopfen der Thiere zu besorgen hat …   Herders Conversations-Lexikon

  • Conservátor — CONSERVÁTOR, óris, ein Beynamen des Jupiters. Weil er aber an sich nichts anders, als was sonst der Namen Soter oder Servator bedeutet, so sehe man diese an ihren Orten nach …   Gründliches mythologisches Lexikon

  • conservator — [n] caretaker of collection curator, custodian, guardian, keeper, protector, restorer; concept 348 …   New thesaurus

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