Clericis Laicos

Clericis Laicos
Clericis Laicos
The initial words of a Bull issued 25 Feb., 1296, by Boniface VIII in response to an earnest appeal of the English and French prelates for protection against the intolerable exactions of the civil power

Catholic Encyclopedia. . 2006.

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  • Clericis laicos — was a Papal bull issued on February 5, 1296 by Pope Boniface VIII in an attempt to prevent the secular states of Europe, in particular France and England, from appropriating church revenues without the express prior permission of the pope. The… …   Wikipedia

  • Clericis laicos — ist der Titel der Päpstlichen Bulle, die Papst Bonifatius VIII. am 25. Februar 1296 veröffentlichte. Das Leitthema dieser Bulle lautete, „dass die Laien Feinde des Klerus sind“, inhaltlich handelte es sich um einen Investiturstreit und eine… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Clericis laicos — est une bulle du pape Boniface VIII (datée du 25 février 1296), qui interdisait, sous peine d excommunication, toute levée d impôts nouveaux sans l autorisation du pape. Cette bulle a été à l origine d un conflit violent entre Philippe le Bel et… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Clerĭcis laĭcos — Clerĭcis laĭcos, Bulle des Papstes Bonifacius VIII. von 1296, bei Gelegenheit, da König Philipp von Frankreich zur Bestreitung der Kriegskosten von dem französischen Clerus eine bedeutende Beisteuer erpreßt hatte; sie drohte Jedem den Bann, der… …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Clericis laicos — La bula Clericis laicos fue promulgada por el papa Bonifacio VIII el 24 de febrero de 1296. Para poner fin al conflicto que mantenía en guerra al reino de Inglaterra con el de Francia, Bonifacio VIII envió dos legados con la indicación de… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Clericis laicos — Герб римского папы Бонифация VIII Clericis laicos (лат. духовники миряне)  бу …   Википедия

  • Clericos Laicos —     Clericis Laicos     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Clericis Laicos     The initial words of a Bull issued 25 Feb., 1296, by Boniface VIII in response to an earnest appeal of the English and French prelates for protection against the intolerable… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Boniface VIII — (Benedetto Caetani) c1235 1303, Italian ecclesiastic: pope 1294 1303. * * * orig. Benedict Caetani born с 1235, Anagni, Papal States died Oct. 11, 1303, Rome Pope (1294–1303). Born into an influential Roman family, Caetani studied law in Bologna… …   Universalium

  • Boniface VIII —     Pope Boniface VIII     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Pope Boniface VIII     (BENEDETTO GAETANO)     Born at Anagni about 1235; died at Rome, 11 October, 1303. He was the son of Loffred, a descendant of a noble family originally Spanish, but long… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Pope Boniface VIII —     Pope Boniface VIII     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Pope Boniface VIII     (BENEDETTO GAETANO)     Born at Anagni about 1235; died at Rome, 11 October, 1303. He was the son of Loffred, a descendant of a noble family originally Spanish, but long… …   Catholic encyclopedia

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