Ausculta Fili

Ausculta Fili
Ausculta Fili
A letter addressed 5 December 1301, by Pope Boniface VIII to Philip the Fair, King of France

Catholic Encyclopedia. . 2006.

Ausculta Fili
    Ausculta Fili
     Catholic_Encyclopedia Ausculta Fili
    A letter addressed 5 December 1301, by Pope Boniface VIII to Philip the Fair, King of France. Philip was at enmity with the Pope. Under the pretext of his royal rights, he conferred benefices, and appointed bishops to sees, regardless of papal authority. He drove from their sees those bishops who, in opposition to his will remained faithful to the Pope. This letter is couched in firm but paternal terms. It points out the evils the king has brought to his kingdom, to Church and State; invites him to do penance and mend his ways. It was unheeded by the king, and was followed by the famous Bull "Unam Sanctam".
    Transcribed by Joseph P. Thomas

The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume VIII. — New York: Robert Appleton Company. . 1910.

Catholic encyclopedia.

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