- William of Malmesbury
- William of Malmesbury
• Benedictine monk at Malmesbury Abbey
Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006.
Catholic encyclopedia.
Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006.
Catholic encyclopedia.
William of Malmesbury — (c. 1080/1095 ndash;c. 1143), English historian of the 12th century, was born about the year 1080/1095, in Wiltshire. His father was Norman and his mother English. He spent his whole life in England with his most productive working years as a… … Wikipedia
William of Malmesbury — 1090? 1143?; Eng. historian … English World dictionary
William de Malmesbury — Guillaume de Malmesbury Guillaume de Malmesbury sur un vitrail de l abbaye de Malmesbury. Guillaume de Malmesbury (vers 1090/1095 – vers 1143), fut un moine bénédictin de l abbaye de Malmesbury, dans le Wiltshire en Angleterre, un homme de lettre … Wikipédia en Français
William of Malmesbury — (ca. 1095–1143) William of Malmesbury was one of the most important historians of medieval England. His bestknown works, the Gesta regum Anglorum (Deeds of the kings of England) and its sequel Historia novella (Recent history), tell the story… … Encyclopedia of medieval literature
William of Malmesbury — (fl. 12th cent.) Historian, was an inmate of the great monastery at Malmesbury. His name is said to have been Somerset, and he was Norman by one parent and English by the other. The date of his birth is unknown, that of his death has sometimes … Short biographical dictionary of English literature
William of Malmesbury — biographical name circa 1090 circa 1143 English historian … New Collegiate Dictionary
William of Malmesbury — /mahmz ber ee, beuh ree, bree/ c1090 1143?, English historian. * * * … Universalium
William of Malmesbury — Wil′liam of Malmes′bur•y [[t]ˈmɑmzˌbɛr i, bə ri, bri[/t]] n. big c1090–1143?, English historian … From formal English to slang
William of Malmesbury — /ˈmamzbəri/ (say mahmzbuhree), / bri/ (say bree) noun c.1090–c.1143, English monk and historian …
William of Malmesbury — /mahmz ber ee, beuh ree, bree/ c1090 1143?, English historian … Useful english dictionary