
Diocese in Hungary, suffragan of Eger, established by Maria Theresa, in 1775-76

Catholic Encyclopedia. . 2006.

     Catholic_Encyclopedia Rosenau
    (Hungarian ROZSNYÓ; Latin ROSNAVIENSIS).
    Diocese in Hungary, suffragan of Eger, established by Maria Theresa, in 1775-76. In 1636 Cardinal Peter Pázmány proposed to establish a distinct see for this part of Hungary, where the Catholic Faith was almost dead. Pázmány's death intervened, and nothing was done until Maria Theresa took up the plan. In 1776 John Galgóczy was appointed first Bishop of Rosenau, but died before taking charge. His successor, Count Anthony Révay (1776-80), caused the church to be restored and the high altar to be renovated. Of his successors may be mentioned: John Scitovszky (1827-38), later Bishop of Funfkirchen and Archbishop of Gran; Ethelbert Bartakovics (1845-50), later archbishop of Eger. Since 1905 the see is governed by Louis Balás. The diocese is divided into 3 archdeaconries and has 2 abbeys and 3 provostships. The chapter consists of 6 active members and 6 titular canons. The parishes number 99, and there are 154 secular, 28 regular, priests; 3 monasteries; 34 nunneries; 190,000 Catholics; 10,165 Greek Uniats; 97,071 Lutherans; 44,609 Calvinists; 11,220 Jews. The seminary was established in 1814.
    A katolikus Magyarorszag (Catholic Hungary) (Budapest, 1902), in Hungarian; Schematismus (1910).
    Transcribed by Joseph E. O'Connor

The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume VIII. — New York: Robert Appleton Company. . 1910.

Catholic encyclopedia.

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